Sykesville Fire Department Prevention/Safety Open House is a huge Success
By Firefighter/EMT Christine Flanagan
October 28, 2013

October 20th, 2013, The Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department held their first open house since the destruction of their station during the unprecedented snow storm in February 2010. The department focused on increasing safety awareness and injury prevention for this year's open house. Many State and County agencies along with local businesses and organizations attended the Open House and shared information on how to be safe during an emergency and what equipment is used during an emergency.

The Maryland State Police flew in one of the new Trooper helicopters. Citizens had a chance to climb into helicopter and take a look at all the equipment. Carroll County was well represented as the Carroll County Sheriff's Department brought their command bus and armored tank and the Sykesville Police Department brought in their vehicles and safety information.

Also present was The American Red Cross's Disaster Services, Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE), Maryland Emergency Management, Carroll Hospital Center, Carroll County Safe Kid Coalition, Maryland National Guard, Maryland Masonic Child Identification Program (MD CHIP), Eldersburg Home Depot, Maryland Department of Aging, and the South Carroll Senior Center. These organizations and companies shared essential information to keep area residents safe in any type of emergency.

Gamber Fire Department's Dive Team, the Carroll County Hazmat team and the Sykesville fire Department displayed the equipment that they use along with giving tours of the equipment. The Sykesville Fire Department demonstrated an auto fire and auto extrication demonstrations.

The public turn out was estimated at around 600. Everyone had a great time and we thank everyone who came out to make this a successful open house.

Hyperlinks: Safe Kids Carroll County
Baltimore Gas and Electric
Maryland Masonic Child Identification Program