Tower 12 Runs 2nd Alarm Apartment Fire In Baltimore County
By Lieutenant Timothy Deklau
January 17, 2022

The Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department assisted Baltimore County on an apartment fire Sunday evening, January 17.

Tower 12 responded with 4 volunteers shortly after the 8:30pm dispatch. Upon arrival, the crew was directed to the third floor to check for fire extension and assist with overhauling the building. Tower 12's crew operated for approximately 2 hours before returning to Sykesville.

While Tower 12 was in Baltimore County another volunteer crew was on Engine 123 assisting on multiple medical calls in the first due.

The Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department is comprised mostly of local volunteers, and we are always looking for new members to keep the organization running. If you have an interest in serving your community, either on the front lines or administratively, we'd love to talk to you!

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